QCell Money (or QMoney in short), is the QCell Financial Services in Sierra Leone to transfer money from one customer to another. QCell SL emphasizes that its QMoney is not a substitute of a bank (however you can still keep money there safely as long as you need).
To get access:
*323# for customers
*313# for agents
To do cash-out or withdrawal:
Step 1: *323#
Step 2: select 5 (Cash out)
Step 3: Enter amount (You should subtract the fees)
Step 4: Enter password
Step 5: Go to your message inbox and Copy the OTP and give it to the agent.
You should receive a confirmation message.

Now complete the transaction with the agent:
Step 1: *313#
Step 2: select 2 (cash out)
Step 3: Enter mobile number (of the customer)
Step 4: Enter OTP (You should get it from the customer)
Step 5: Enter your password.
Cash out successful.

OTP is One Time Password it expires in five minutes.
As the name implies, you use it only once.

To do cash-in or deposit:

Step 1: *313#
Step 2: select 1 (Cash in)
Step 3: Enter mobile number
Step 4: Enter the amount (the exact amount you are given)
Step 5: Enter password (Enter secret PIN to cash in)
Notification: Cash in successful
