When to buy Electricity Token?

This is complicated and confusing when it comes to Residential and straight forward with other categories. 

To begin with, EDSA has two variable tariffs for domestic or residential usage but fixed tariff for others. These are le560 and le1,600.

The le560 is given once in a month while the le1,600 is applied every time you buy in that very month. Let's called it "first buy" for simplicity.

This may tempt a customer, he will decide to buy a huge amount on his first buy. 
This is confusing, that first buy only applies from 0 to 25 kWh which is equivalent to le0 to Le50,000. 
It means the highest you can buy is Le50,000 for that target. Above le50,000, le1,600 is applied.

When you buy higher, the second tariff will be applied from 25.1 kWh and above.

The best time to buy EDSA token

Unfortunately there is no best or worst time to buy it. Unless you skip the privious month.
This mentality of the customers always causes pressure and traffic in the first week of each month.

The customers think that only in this first day or first week or first five days of every month they get the lowest tariff and higher units.  This is not true. Not only in the first week but also the last week of every month.

Provided the consumer bought token the privious month, even if he  buys in the last day of the current month, he will still get the amount of units he should have gotten on the first day. 

There are six  categories of tariffs
  • Domestic or home or residential
  • Commercial or business
  • Places of Worship or Institution
  • Industries
  • Street Lighting
  • Welding or Metal Work

All their tariffs are fixed except for domestic that varies once every month.

Monthly Charges/ Service Charges

Consumers                           Service Charge

Domestic                                 10,500                     
Commercial                            14,115
Institution                                14,730                   
Street Lighting                         29,460
Welding                                     39,570                  
Industries                                 75,630

EDSA Tariff/ Price Per Unit

Domestic                                     le560 or le1,600
Commercial                                le1,870               
Institution                                   le1,800             
Street Lighting                           le1,678               
Welding                                       le1,900
Industries                                    le1,890                 

There are times when a customer attacks you and tell you to give him enough units.
He thinks you are the one who decides.
Don't get angry.

Your reply should be 
I only input two things
  • The meter number and
  • The amount
The rest is processed and decided by the system. So I am not the one who gives units.
