natal ngal
Internet Config.

APN - Access Point Name 

Most of the recent smartphones do internet connectivity automatically. 
If yours is not done automatically, you have to do it manually. 

Different Android Version has different ways of configuring the phone internet connectivity. As for now let's use Android Version 11 and 12.

 To begin, go to settings. 

Look for Network and Internet or Mobile Network or select More:

Don't press on the extreme of your right:

And select your SIM provider:
Press where it is circled. Not the blue.

Select Access Point Names:

It is already configured: press and see if it is properly done. there is a dot (.) between the qcell and SL in the APN; Not a comma (,) or other punctuation marks.

You will see different options but concentrate on the first two: APN and Name.

In the Name, write Qcell SL

In the APN, write or QCELL.SL

Edit the name example Qcell or Africell

Edit APN like this:

After you have done editing the Name and APN, press the three vertical dots above

 and press save. 

 Save and it is DONE.

If your SIM is not automatically configured, then press the + to proceed.

In the Name put your SIM provider.

In the APN put your SIM provider and add .sl 

To select the generations, 2G, 3G or 4G.
Go to settings and choose "preferred network type".

