Qcell Money 

QMoney is not yet in operation to the general public but on "test stage". Many observers believe that QMoney will be very affordable and will be supplied to aggregators and the latter will supply their respective agents. In that case, the demand of mobile money will be met therefore will reduce the  shortage of mobile money in the market. There are times when customers go to agents to do cash-in but get disappointed. Not that the agent don't want to do transaction but he hasn't enough mobile money in his account.

QMoney will have a statistics to allow agent to know their daily, weekly or monthly amount of transactions they have done.

What will be the access dialing number for QMoney?
*127# ?
*124# ?
*122# ?
*121# ?

Tariff plan

QCell is very creative. There will be two options (maybe they had a better plan than this):

  • They could use round figure (even numbers):

  • Or option two by using odds

The first option would be better appreciated.

What do I mean by even and odd?

From 1,000 to 29,999 is odd

From 1,000 to 30,000 is all even numbers.
The latter would be better.

Mind you, this is not an official suggestion it is a personal suggestion. It's up to Qcell Money Management to decide but let them do it wisely.
