Dealer -

He buys his top up from the company. Africell and Orange, the price the dealer pays is not known to the public. In rumor, it is said they earn 6.7% (to be confirmed).
 In fact Africell and Orange are monopolized, meaning only one person is allowed to buy their top up while Qcell is open to every interested dealer.

As for Qcell, the price varies with the amount of money paid by the dealer. The more money he invests the more the commission. 


He buys his top up from a dealer and his commission or profit:

  • Qcell 1 to 3%
  • Orange 1.25%
  • Africell 0.75%

le0.9 for le1
0.91 for le1
 0.92 for le1  Qcell

le0.9375 for le1 Orange

le0.9425 for le1 Africell

Just multiply 0.9 by the desired amount

0.9*amount you want for Qcell

0.9375*amount you want to buy for Orange

0.9425*amount you desired


0.9*1,000=900 Qcell
0.91*1,000=910 Qcell
I put it NLe1,000 for simplicity. To get it for this price 0.9 you will buy more than one thousand leones 

0.9375*1,000=937.5 Orange

0.9425*1,000=942.5 Africell

NLe=New Leone


The retailer buys his top-up from a wholesaler. 


Qcell 7%

Africell 5% 

Orange 5%

You will think 5% is very huge. But wait a minute, you won't believe that there are some top-sellers who could not sell NLe100.00 on a daily basis. Of course there some who are in a good spot that sometimes sell up to NLe1,000.00 top-up.

The equation for retailers

0.95*amount for Africell and Orange

0.93*amount for Qcell

Format of dial to sell top-up wholesale


*124*number*amount*PIN# for Africell wholesaler

*129*number*amount*PIN# then press 1 to confirm for Qcell wholesale

You can also use step by step *128# select 1 and so on.
*129# works as well.


Or step by step *433# select 2 etc

If you look keenly, you will see they all follow the same trend number, amount and PIN.  
124, 129 and 433 differentiate them except for Orange where you insert 2 in-between.

xxx*number*amount*PIN#  xxx can be 124, 129 or 433

To sell retail top up format

Format *ppp*number*amount*PIN# where ppp is substituted by 123, 177 or 433.

Africell *123*number*amount*PIN#

Qcell *177*number*amount*PIN# then press 1 to confirm

Orange *433*1*number*amount*PIN#

To check balance

You can check balance by just looking at the last transaction message right under.

*126# for Africell


*128# select 3; 1 and PIN

View Statistics and Query History

To know how top up you have sold  for the day, week or month

*128# select 5 (View Statistics); select 1 for current day, 2 for current week and 3 for current month then enter the PIN and wait the text message.

Query history shows you the last three transactions  *128# select 4 and enter PIN. 
